Teaching Math In The 21st Century
I often get the sense that much of what people have come to understand about teaching and learning Mathematics is based on a decades old mentality that students will need to be able to do mathematical calculations with computer-like speed and precision once they enter the workforce. And in order to meet this need, mathematics instruction should look like drilling procedures over and over again so that students become proficient and ready to join the workforce. Here's the problem with that approach; it sounds an awful lot like the goal is to program students to behave just like little math computers. Which shouldn't come as a big surprise. Decades ago, people were already being told about the wonderful world that access to computers would usher in...once they became more readily available, that is. In the meantime, we'll need employees to function in much the same way. That sounds a bit dehumanizing. But here we are, 2018, and computers are everywhere . I'm writing...